Vietnam Facts For Kids

Interesting Facts for Kids
Here are some interesting Vietnam Facts which were chosen and researched by kids especially for kids.
- Population: 102 million people live in Vietnam (2023)
- Capital: Hanoi with 5 million inhabitants
- Name: Socialist Republic of Vietnam or Viet Nam
- Government: Communist
- National Holiday: 2 September (Independence Day)
- Language: Vietnamese, with English and French the most common second languages
- Literacy: 95% of the adult population can read and write
- Religion: Folk religions our non-religious (81%), Buddhism (8%) Christianity (8%)
- Currency: 1 Vietnamese Dong = 100 Xu. However, coins are no longer accepted in shops. Mainly banknotes from 1000 Dongs upwards are used. 1000 VND equals 4 US cents or 3 British pence!
- National Symbols: five-pointed star on red field, lotus blossoms (national flower).
- National colours: red and yellow.
- History: Vietnam was ruled by the Hung kings since the 3rd century BC. Chinese troops invaded the northern parts of the country in 111 BC and then various Chinese dynasties ruled the area, later in the 18th century the peninsula was colonised by France and from 1858 until 1954 the country was part of French Indochina. After the end of World War II and the declaration of independence in 1945, the French still ruled the country until 1954. Then Vietnam was divided into North Vietnam and South Vietnam and the country was shuck by the violent Second Indonesian War from 1955-1975. This war is also referred to as the Resistance War Against America or American War. The fall of Sài Gòn/ Saigon was on 30 April 1975. The city Saigon was later renamed to Ho Chi Minh City in honour of the fallen Vietnamese communist leader Ho Chi Minh.