Austria Facts

Interesting Facts for Kids

Austria Facts for Kids -
Austria: Hundertwasser Haus – Alps – Vienna
  • Population: 9 million people live in Austria (2023)
  • Capital: Vienna (Wien) with 2 million inhabitants
  • Name: Republik Österreich (Republic of Austria)
  • Government: Democracy, Republic
  • Language: German
  • Literacy: More than 99% can read and write.
  • Religion: mainly Christians (Roman Catholics 74%)
  • Currency: 1 Euro = 100 cents; before 2002: Austrian Schilling (notes) and Groschen (coins)
  • National anthem: Bundeshymne (federal hymn) “Land der Berge” (“Land of mountains”)
  • National symbols: Sea eagle (national bird), Edelweiss (national flowers), red and white (national colours)
  • National Day: 26 October